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Topic: Cataclysmic events

Cataclysmic events, such as global floods, comet impacts, or pole shifts, are hypothesized to have wiped out advanced ancient civilizations and drastically shaped human history.

More on: Cataclysmic events

The podcast episodes discuss the possibility of ancient cataclysmic events, such as a great flood or comet impact, that may have destroyed advanced civilizations in the past and shaped the course of human history.

For example, Episode 556: Compilation: Ancient Mysteries vol 1 explores theories about lost advanced civilizations that were potentially wiped out by a prehistoric cataclysm, with survivors seeding knowledge to primitive humans after the event.

Similarly, EP: 217 Super Civilizations with Hugh Newman and #220 - Göbekli Tepe & Easter Island are NOT What You Think: New Evidence discuss the potential involvement of cataclysmic events, like pole shifts or comet threats, in the burial and preservation of ancient megalithic sites like Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe.

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