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Topic: Central banking

Central banking refers to the systems, policies, and institutions that manage a country's monetary and financial systems, often through tools like interest rate adjustments and money supply control.

More on: Central banking

Central banking is a critical component of modern economies, as central banks play a key role in setting monetary policies, managing inflation, and ensuring financial stability.

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of central banking, including the historical actions of central banks like the Federal Reserve in managing inflation, the role of central banks in the global economy, and debates around the independence and accountability of central banks.

Several episodes examine the disconnect between the public's and economists' views on the causes of inflation and the appropriate policy responses, while others discuss the increasing exposure of central banks to the US dollar and criticize the role of central banks in debasing fiat currencies through money printing.

The episodes also explore the systemic issues in the banking system and the challenges faced by central banks like the Bank of Canada in managing inflation and economic growth.

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