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Topic: Cheating

Cheating is the act of dishonestly engaging in or gaining an unfair advantage, often in a relationship or academic setting.

More on: Cheating

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of cheating, from the psychological factors that drive individuals to cheat to the consequences and impact on relationships and communities.

Several episodes, such as #2402 PumpRules, Part 1- Jax U Next Tuesday, Armchair Anonymous: Cheated, and 49: Cheating, the mind of a cheater and debunking 'once a cheater always a cheater' with The Angry Therapist John Kim!, delve into the personal experiences and dynamics of cheating in romantic relationships, exploring themes of trust, betrayal, and the potential for rebuilding after infidelity.

Other episodes, like Ready to be Bunco-ified with Lindy West and Meagan Hatcher-Mays and academic cheating, examine cheating in the context of social groups and academic settings, highlighting the complex social and ethical implications of such behavior.

The podcast episodes collectively provide a multifaceted understanding of cheating, covering its psychological, relational, and societal aspects.

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