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Topic: Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of the fundamental properties, composition, and behavior of matter and its transformations.

More on: Chemistry

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to chemistry, from the discovery and applications of specific elements like thorium and promethium to the use of chemistry in fields like materials science, biology, and popular culture.

For example, the episode 'Thorium (Encore)' discusses the properties and potential uses of the element thorium, while 'How AI could improve robotics, the cockroach's origins, and promethium spills its secrets' covers a breakthrough in creating a chemical complex with the rare element promethium.

Other episodes explore the chemistry behind Marvel's fictional characters like Man-Thing('The Monstrefact: Marvel's Man-Thing'), the science of snail mucus('The Tale of the Snail Slime Wrangler'), and the chemistry expertise of a historical forger('Indelible Ink').

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