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Topic: Childcare costs

The high costs of childcare for families, a significant financial burden that can impact workforce participation, particularly for women.

More on: Childcare costs

The high costs of childcare are a major topic of discussion across the podcast episodes, with several focusing on the exorbitant prices families face, particularly for middle-class households.

In the episode "Just how Bad is Daycare? A Chilling Case Study & Literature Review", the hosts share their personal experience of pulling their children out of a daycare costing over $62,000 per year for three kids, and exploring alternative community-based childcare arrangements.

Other episodes, such as "Brokerages need to pick up the pace" and "Recognizing You Have a Problem Is 90% of Solving the Problem", discuss the impact of high childcare costs on workforce participation, particularly for women, and the financial strain it places on families.

The episodes highlight the need for more affordable and accessible childcare solutions to support working parents and families.

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