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Topic: Childhood conditioning

Childhood conditioning refers to the formative experiences and parental influences that shape an individual's beliefs, behaviors, and sense of self from a young age.

More on: Childhood conditioning

Childhood conditioning, as explored in the podcast episodes, often stems from the relationships and interactions an individual has with their parents or primary caregivers during their formative years. The way children are raised, the expectations placed upon them, and the emotional and psychological dynamics within the family can all contribute to the development of certain mindsets, such as a victim mindset or a tendency to people-please.

In the first episode, "How To Overcome Your Victim Mindset", the host discusses how a victim mindset can originate from childhood conditioning and a lack of personal responsibility instilled by parents or caretakers. Similarly, in the second episode, "How To Stop People Pleasing and Set Boundaries", the episode explores how people-pleasing behaviors can be rooted in childhood experiences and the need to seek validation or approval from parental figures.

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