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Topic: Childhood/Upbringing

Childhood and upbringing shape an individual's values, perspectives, and life experiences, often profoundly influencing their later development.

More on: Childhood/Upbringing

The podcast episodes explore how the hosts' childhood experiences and family upbringing influenced their later lives, relationships, and careers.

For example, Eric Bahn discusses growing up in Detroit with immigrant Korean parents and how their efforts to assimilate culturally impacted his upbringing. Joel Kim Booster opens up about being raised in a conservative evangelical household where he was sheltered from certain topics. Matt McCusker reflects on aspects of his upbringing and youth in Philadelphia that shaped him. And Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino share anecdotes about their modest upbringings in subsidized Chicago housing and the impact it had on their paths.

These personal stories demonstrate how one's childhood and family background can significantly influence their identity, values, relationships, and professional trajectories later in life.

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