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Topic: Children's health

Children's health is an essential issue, as the well-being of future generations depends on addressing the concerning rise in chronic diseases and mental health disorders among children.

More on: Children's health

The podcast episodes cover a range of issues related to children's health, including the harmful effects of lead contamination in urban soils The hidden danger of lead in soil | Yvette Cabrera, the impact of sugar and obesity on children's physical and cognitive development How Sugar Wreaks Havoc on Your Health and Mind, the risks and severe consequences of foodborne illnesses like Shigella outbreaks Ep. 35 | Common Ground, the importance of maintaining good indoor air quality for children How Your Air Quality Could Be Harming You & How To Cleanse It Ft. Mike Fedstein, CEO Of Jaspr, and the key role of gut health, the microbiome, and integrative approaches to supporting children's overall resilience and wellbeing 396: The 5 Keys to Better Immunity and a Healthier Gut for You and Your Kids | Elisa Song, MD and Holistic Pediatrician Reveals Top Reasons Why Kids Are Sicker Than Ever Before And How To Raise Resilient and Healthy Kids With Dr. Elisa Song.

These episodes highlight the multifaceted challenges facing children's health today and the need for a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to address them.

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