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Topic: Children's mental health

Children's mental health is a critical issue, with rising rates of anxiety, depression, and other challenges impacting their wellbeing and development.

More on: Children's mental health

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of children's mental health, including the potential impacts of social media and technology, the importance of free play and unstructured time, and the role of parenting and education in shaping children's mental well-being.

For example, the episode 'Reid riffs on tech journalism and the TikTok ban' explores the need for balanced discussions around the effects of social media platforms on children's mental health, while the episode 'Put it down! Should children be allowed smartphones?' delves deeper into the ongoing debate around children's use of smartphones and social media.

The episode 'Parents: Keep Out!' examines psychologist Peter Gray's argument that excessive adult oversight and structuring of children's activities can deprive them of crucial opportunities for free play, which is linked to the rise in anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in children.

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