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Topic: Children's rights

Children have a fundamental right to be raised by both a mother and a father, which is being violated by certain societal practices.

More on: Children's rights

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of children's rights, including the importance of having both a mother and father, the impacts of radical gender ideology and medical interventions on children, the rights of children to access information and have a voice in decisions affecting them, and the ways in which children's rights are often violated through policies related to child poverty, labor, marriage, and more.

For example, the episode Ep 1002 | No Man Can Replace Moms argues that children have a fundamental right to both a mother and father that is being violated by practices like surrogacy. The episode Radical Trans Ideology Hurting Kids and Female Athletes highlights the harm caused to children by exposure to radical gender ideology. Other episodes, such as 262 - Society Lets Children Down and 284. A Child's Right to Read and Know, discuss children's rights to autonomy, self-expression, and access to information.

These episodes illustrate the complex and often controversial debates around the extent of children's rights and how they should be balanced against the rights and prerogatives of parents, the state, and other groups.

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