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Topic: Christian Living

Christian Living encompasses the practical application of biblical principles to one's daily life, including spiritual growth, ethical decision-making, and living out one's faith in a way that glorifies God.

More on: Christian Living

The podcast episodes provide a wide range of guidance and insights for living out the Christian faith in practical ways.

Several episodes focus on specific biblical topics and passages, offering lessons on themes like humility Pride Before The Fall, the importance of devotion to God Day 180: Giving Time to God (2024), and overcoming negative thoughts Dealing With Negative Thoughts | Joel Osteen.

Other episodes address broader principles for Christian living, such as responding to persecution PART I: ARE WE LIVING IN END TIMES? ft. Pastor Allen Jackson, showing respect to others Showing Respect - Part 1, and developing spiritual disciplines like prayer and fasting S3 EP4. Why Do Christians Fast?.

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