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Topic: Church culture

Church culture reflects the beliefs, values, and practices that shape the community and experiences of those within a particular church or religious organization.

More on: Church culture

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of church culture, from the length and intensity of worship services to the prevalence of gossip networks and the prioritization of talent over spiritual maturity.

For example, the episode Ep 899 | Phil's Demonic Encounter at Rehab & Why Jase Stayed Up All Night His First Year of Marriage discusses the differences between Western church services and those in other nations, while the episode Bonus Episode: Paint the Beauty We Split examines the culture at Mars Hill Church, including the emphasis on charisma over character.

The episodes also touch on themes such as the impact of church culture on women, the role of technology and media in shaping church growth, and the need for accountability and healthy leadership in maintaining a positive church environment.

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