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Topic: Cia

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a key player in intelligence operations, national security, and covert activities, with a complex and often controversial history.

More on: Cia

The CIA is a central figure in many of the podcast episodes provided, as the agency has been involved in a wide range of activities, from covert operations and intelligence gathering to controversies surrounding its past actions.

Several episodes delve into the CIA's history, including its role in the Bay of Pigs invasion Ep. 225 - CIA's Hidden Weapon: The Man Who Hunted Down Che Guevara | Felix Rodriguez, the Iran-Contra affair Ep. 225 - CIA's Hidden Weapon: The Man Who Hunted Down Che Guevara | Felix Rodriguez, and its alleged involvement in the opium trade during the Vietnam War Air America, Corsican Mobsters and Spies Gone Native - Did the CIA Fuel the Modern Heroin Trade?.

The agency's more recent activities, such as its alleged interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election Ep. 1520 - These 14 Squish Republicans Just Ruined Everything and its role in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine #1575 Cluster Headache, Matching War Crimes with War Crimes Against Russia in Ukraine, are also explored in several episodes.

Additionally, the CIA's controversial programs, such as MK-ULTRA, which involved mind control experiments on unwitting subjects, are examined in Episode 177 - The Jakarta Method and 174 - MK-ULTRA.

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