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Topic: Citizen Journalism

Citizen journalism is a grassroots approach to reporting and investigating news stories, where ordinary individuals take on the role of journalists to expose truths and uncover hidden narratives.

More on: Citizen Journalism

The podcast episodes provided highlight the role of citizen journalists in investigating and reporting on a range of topics, from unsolved crimes to government secrecy and advanced technologies.

Several episodes feature individuals who have taken on the mantle of citizen journalist, such as Nikki Wolf investigating the 2014 gas attack on a furry convention "Inside the Unsolved 2014 Attack on a Furry Convention", Ashton Forbes exploring the potential for wormholes and the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "EP: 239 Wormholes with Ashton Forbes" and "EP 212: The Plane Portal with Ashton Forbes", and Roseanne Barr discussing her self-appointed role as a 'citizen journalist' in "Roseanne Barr".

These episodes showcase how citizen journalism can challenge traditional media narratives, expose hidden truths, and give voice to marginalized perspectives, but also highlight the potential pitfalls of unchecked conspiracy theories and the need for critical thinking and journalistic integrity.

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