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Topic: Civic engagement

Civic engagement refers to the active participation of citizens in their communities and in the political process to address public issues and promote the common good.

More on: Civic engagement

Civic engagement is a central theme across the podcast episodes, which emphasize the importance of citizens actively participating in the democratic process to address political challenges, strengthen institutions, and shape the future of American democracy.

Several episodes highlight how citizens can engage through voting, grassroots activism, creative expression, and direct communication with elected representatives. For example, the episode 'Rise of the Oligarchs Like the Ones Taking Clarence Thomas on Trips' discusses the need for increased voter participation, especially at local levels, to counter the influence of money in politics. The episode 'Your creative superpowers can help protect democracy' showcases how a young activist used coding and social media to mobilize her community and defend democracy.

Other episodes, such as 'How to be an active citizen and spark change' and 'The Year of Living Constitutionally', provide practical guidance and inspiration for citizens to engage in the political process through various means, from cultivating civic virtues to reviving celebratory civic traditions.

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