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Topic: Class analysis

Class analysis examines the dynamics and relationships between social classes, their roles in shaping history, and the potential for class struggle and revolutionary change.

More on: Class analysis

The podcast episodes provided explore class analysis from various Marxist and left-wing perspectives, highlighting its importance for understanding and organizing revolutionary struggle.

For example, the episode 'BEST OF] On Contradiction - Mao' analyzes class contradictions and revolutionary strategy through the lens of Mao's dialectical materialism, while 'A Spectre, Haunting: On The Communist Manifesto' delves into Marx and Engels' seminal work on class dynamics and the role of class struggle.

The episode 'Politics in Command: Analyzing the Error of Economism' explores how economism distorts the understanding of class and the labor aristocracy, and 'The Right Kind of Worker (w/ Gabriel Winant)' critiques static and ideological conceptions of the working class in favor of a more dynamic, intersectional analysis.

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