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Topic: Class dynamics

Class dynamics describe the complex social, economic, and power relationships between different socioeconomic groups within a society.

More on: Class dynamics

The podcast episodes discuss class dynamics in a variety of contexts, including the workplace, personal relationships, and historical events.

For example, the episode '03/06/2024' from 'The Archers' explores how economic circumstances can drive working-class characters to make difficult decisions, while the episode 'Episode 152: Trick Or Treat' from 'Season of the Bitch' examines how class differences can shape attitudes and practices around holidays like Halloween.

Several other episodes, such as 'Doris Kearns Goodwin's new book is part memoir, part history of the 1960s' and 'Ep. 75: Brazil and the Rise of Authoritarian Neoliberalism w/ Alex Hochuli', delve into the role of class in shaping historical and political events.

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