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Topic: Clean Energy Financing

Clean Energy Financing focuses on providing the capital and financial support needed to accelerate the deployment of clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

More on: Clean Energy Financing

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of clean energy financing, including the role of government programs like the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office (LPO) in providing financial support for clean energy projects.

For example, episode Crossover Episode: Watt It Takes highlights how Monolith, a clean hydrogen producer, secured a $1 billion conditional loan guarantee from the LPO to scale up its operations. Episode Jigar Shah returns to the Energy Gang also explores the LPO's role in advancing clean energy solutions like virtual power plants, enhanced geothermal, and advanced nuclear.

The episodes also touch on the broader challenges and opportunities in financing the energy transition, such as the use of SPACs for clean energy financing, the need for regulatory and cultural changes to facilitate investment, and the importance of mobilizing finance for clean energy projects in developing economies.

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