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Topic: Coal industry

The coal industry has been a central part of the energy landscape in the United States, but is now facing significant challenges and a transition towards renewable energy sources.

More on: Coal industry

The podcast episodes provided discuss the coal industry's declining role and the challenges surrounding the transition away from this traditional energy source.

Several episodes explore the impact of this transition on coal-dependent communities, such as Keyser, West Virginia, as it attempts to embrace renewable energy, and South Baltimore, where local teenagers are fighting against pollution caused by coal export operations.

The episodes also cover broader topics related to the coal industry, including West Virginia's resistance to the energy transition, the concept of a 'just transition' away from fossil fuels, and Colorado's efforts to plan for a just transition for coal communities.

Additionally, some episodes delve into the global outlook for the coal industry, such as discussions around shutting down coal plants more quickly and equitably, and the dwindling role of coal in the U.S. energy sector and the experiences of environmental justice advocates fighting its impacts.

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