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Topic: Cognitive biases

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in human judgment and decision-making that arise from the brain's tendency to take mental shortcuts.

More on: Cognitive biases

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of cognitive biases, which are unconscious mental shortcuts and flaws in human reasoning that lead to systematic deviations from objective, rational decision-making.

The episodes cover a wide range of cognitive biases, such as the false consensus effect Gurwinder Bhogal - 14 Uncomfortable Truths About Human Psychology, projection bias Does the You of Today Hate the You of Tomorrow?, confirmation bias Embracing Uncertainty in a World of Flukes, and many others, and explore how these biases shape our perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors.

The discussions delve into the psychological, social, and evolutionary factors that contribute to cognitive biases, and also provide strategies for recognizing and overcoming these biases to improve decision-making and problem-solving.

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