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Topic: Cohousing

Cohousing is an intentional community design that fosters social connection and shared resources to combat loneliness and promote sustainable living.

More on: Cohousing

The podcast episodes examine the concept of cohousing, which is presented as a potential solution to combat loneliness and social isolation. Cohousing communities are designed to foster community interactions, promote resource sharing, and address sustainability concerns.

The episodes discuss the benefits of cohousing, such as its ability to build intergenerational connections, improve work-life balance, and enable consensus-based decision-making. The episodes also explore the challenges and considerations involved in implementing cohousing projects.

Cohousing is highlighted as a way to address the negative impacts of urban design and suburban sprawl that prioritize car dependence over pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods and public spaces. The episodes suggest that cohousing can help create more walkable, socially connected communities.

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