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Topic: Cold cases

Cold cases refer to criminal investigations that have gone unsolved for an extended period of time, often years or even decades, despite ongoing efforts to uncover new evidence and identify the perpetrator.

More on: Cold cases

The podcast episodes demonstrate how cold cases, whether decades-old disappearances, murders, or other violent crimes, pose unique challenges for investigators and communities seeking closure.

Several episodes highlight the use of evolving forensic techniques, such as DNA analysis and genetic genealogy, that have allowed for the eventual identification and conviction of perpetrators in cases that had previously gone unsolved 'How Old Junk Solved Two Murders', 'Evil Walked Through the Door', and 'National DNA Day: The First Murder Conviction'.

Other episodes delve into the emotional toll on victims' families 'Relentless', the role of community activism and persistence in pursuing justice 'The Murder of Timothy Coggins', and the complex dynamics that can arise when amateur sleuths get involved in cold case investigations 'Podcasters Took Up Her Sister's Murder Investigation. Then They Turned on Her'.

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