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Topic: Cold Therapy

Cold therapy, such as cold plunges and cryogenic chambers, can promote metabolic adaptations, reduce inflammation, and support overall resilience.

More on: Cold Therapy

The podcast episodes discuss the potential benefits of incorporating cold therapy into one's wellness routine, particularly in synergy with light exposure and other lifestyle factors.

For example, episode Enhance your Wellness with Light | Dr. Alexis Cowan explores how the combination of light and cold exposure can support mitochondrial health and promote resilience, while episode 2359: What to Do When Progress has Stalled, How to Improve Grip Strength Quickly, Ways to Relieve Bloating & Skin Issues & More (Listener Live Coaching) delves into the use of cold exposure to achieve a parasympathetic state and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, episode Guide to Alternative Medicines with Helene Langevin from the StarTalk Radio podcast provides a broader perspective on the scientific evidence and potential applications of alternative therapies, including cold therapy, in the context of holistic wellness.

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