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Topic: Cold War

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, marked by an ideological struggle for global influence and dominance.

More on: Cold War

The Cold War is the central context for many of the podcast episodes, which explore various aspects of this prolonged conflict between capitalism and communism, including nuclear deterrence strategies, the space race, proxy wars, espionage, and the lasting impact on domestic and foreign policies.

For example, the episode 'The game theory that led to nuclear standoffs' examines how game theory influenced nuclear deterrence during the Cold War, while 'Episode 10 - USA vs. USSR: The Space Race - Part 1' delves into the space race between the US and Soviet Union.

Other episodes like '537: No Such Thing As The Notorious British Institute of Graphologists' and 'UK General Elections: 1945' reference the Cold War context and its broader sociopolitical effects.

Overall, the podcast episodes showcase the far-reaching influence of the Cold War on various aspects of history, politics, technology, and culture.

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