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Topic: Collaboration and stakeholder engagement

Collaboration and stakeholder engagement is crucial for driving progress towards sustainability and environmental goals, as it allows for diverse perspectives, resources, and expertise to be leveraged for effective solutions.

More on: Collaboration and stakeholder engagement

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of collaboration and stakeholder engagement in addressing complex sustainability challenges, particularly in the context of transitioning the transportation sector towards a net-zero future.

For example, the episode California's Climate Czar on Banning Gas Cars emphasizes the need for collaboration between government, industry, and stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of regulations like California's ban on new gas-powered vehicle sales by 2035. Similarly, the episode Ep. 79: Are Uber and Lyft Rides Bad for the Climate? discusses the collaborative efforts required among ride-hailing companies, policymakers, and consumers to address the environmental impact of these services.

The episode Designing for Circular Economy and Systems Thinking with Leyla Acaroglu also highlights the importance of collaboration across various stakeholders, including businesses, governments, and individuals, in driving meaningful change through initiatives like the circular economy and systems thinking.

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