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Topic: Colonialism

Colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.

More on: Colonialism

The topic of Colonialism is heavily featured across the podcast episodes, as it examines the historical, political, economic, and social impacts of European colonial expansion and domination over various regions of the world.

Several episodes explore how colonial powers like Britain, Belgium, and France established control over territories and populations, often through violent means, in order to extract natural resources and impose their cultural and political systems. Examples include the exploitation of the Congo Free State by King Leopold II of Belgium George Washington Williams, the role of the French Foreign Legion in aiding colonial ambitions The French Foreign Legion, and the forced displacement of the Chagossian people by the British and US governments How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise.

Other episodes delve into the lasting legacies of colonialism, such as its connection to the climate crisis Amitav Ghosh on colonialism & the climate crisis, the ongoing struggles of indigenous peoples Vivien Sansour: Palestinian seeds of survival, shelter, and subversiveness, and the continued debates over cultural heritage and repatriation Stolen treasures: Scandal at the British Museum.

Colonialism is also examined through the lens of anti-colonial movements, revolutionary theory, and decolonization, as seen in episodes discussing the work of Frantz Fanon [BEST OF] Colonial War, Mental Illness, and Psychoanalysis: The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon and the Haitian Revolution [BEST OF] The Haitian Revolution.

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