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Topic: Colonization

Colonization is the process by which a foreign power exerts control over and exploits the land, resources, and indigenous populations of a territory.

More on: Colonization

The podcast episodes provided touch on various aspects of colonization and its far-reaching impacts, from the historical and cultural consequences to the environmental and social implications.

Several episodes discuss the devastating effects of European colonization on indigenous populations, including the decimation of Native American cultures The Fall of the Sioux: Death of Crazy Horse, the erasure of knowledge and aesthetics in Latin America A futuristic vision for Latin America, rooted in ancient design, and the links between photography and resource extraction, labor, and environmental degradation Camera Geologica: An Elemental History of Photography.

Other episodes explore the legacy of colonization, such as the role of sugarcane cultivation and the transatlantic slave trade Sugar's Dark Shadow, as well as the ongoing challenges of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the context of colonial histories Turning Resistance into Progress: Transmuting Fears to Advance Inclusion.

These episodes provide a nuanced understanding of the complex and often troubling history of colonization and its continued impact on the world today.

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