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Topic: Community gardening

Community gardening is the collective cultivation of shared urban or suburban land to grow food, herbs, and flowers, often in response to issues of food access, environmental sustainability, and community engagement.

More on: Community gardening

The two podcast episodes provided highlight different aspects of community gardening in urban areas.

The first episode explores the challenges of growing food in urban areas with contaminated soil, examining methods for testing and managing soil contaminants like heavy metals, and providing advice for safe urban gardening and farming practices. This episode features examples of community gardens in urban areas and their experiences with managing soil contamination issues.

The second episode discusses the experiences of a guerilla gardener who has transformed neglected urban spaces into vibrant gardens, highlighting the positive impact on communities, mental health, and biodiversity. While distinct from traditional community gardening, this episode explores the communal and social aspects of guerilla gardening and encourages listeners to embrace the rebel spirit and start gardening without permission.

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