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Topic: Comparative religion

Comparative religion is the academic field that analyzes and compares the world's religious beliefs, practices, and traditions.

More on: Comparative religion

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to comparative religion, exploring the connections, influences, and power dynamics between different belief systems, mythologies, and ancient religious traditions.

For example, episode #242 - Oldest CHRISTIAN Scriptures: God is Really SATAN | Gnostic Informant discusses the connections between early Christianity and pagan religions, while episode Ep: 248 The Gods of Egypt with Ali Siadatan *members only trailer examines the relationship between the God of the Israelites and the gods of ancient Egypt.

Other episodes, such as Ancient Strategies For Managing Stress And Anxiety | Ryan Holiday, draw parallels between Stoic philosophy and Buddhist teachings, highlighting the shared perspectives on acceptance, non-attachment, and equanimity.

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