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Topic: Conditioning

Conditioning refers to the process by which an individual's behavior, thoughts, and beliefs are shaped by environmental and social influences, often from a young age.

More on: Conditioning

The podcast episodes explore the concept of conditioning and its impact on our personal development, mental well-being, and decision-making.

In The Truth Will Set You Free, the host discusses how our past conditioning from childhood and life experiences can distort our perspectives and lead to mental suffering, emphasizing the importance of clear thinking and self-awareness.

Similarly, How To Find Yourself delves into how we often lose touch with our authentic selves due to external conditioning, and the need to shed these layers to rediscover our true nature.

The How Placebo Effects Work to Change Our Biology & Psychology episode examines the powerful influence of beliefs, expectations, and conditioning on our biology and psychology, highlighting how these factors can be leveraged to improve health and performance outcomes.

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