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Topic: Conformity

Conformity is the act of aligning one's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors with the norms of a group, often at the expense of individual expression.

More on: Conformity

The podcast episodes explore the concept of conformity from various angles, highlighting the ways in which societal pressures and the desire for belonging can lead people to suppress their individuality and conform to group norms.

The episodes discuss the dangers of collective illusions, where individuals believe they are part of the majority on certain issues when they are not, as well as the inadequacy of language in accurately conveying our true thoughts and feelings.

The episodes also touch on the importance of embracing the courage to be disliked and the power that comes from rejecting the desire for universal approval and instead focusing on one's authentic self and personal values.

Overall, the episodes emphasize the need to resist the temptation to conform and instead strive for true self-expression and individual fulfillment, even in the face of criticism and social pressure.

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