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Topic: Congressional primaries

Congressional primaries are elections held within political parties to select the party's candidates for the general election.

More on: Congressional primaries

The podcast episodes provided discuss several key congressional primary races, particularly in New York and Colorado, that have implications for the balance of power in Congress and the Democratic Party's policy positions.

For example, the episode The Plan to Defeat Critics of Israel in Congress focuses on the efforts of the pro-Israel group AIPAC to defeat incumbent Congressman Jamal Bowman in the New York Democratic primary, while the episode The Israel/Hamas War As A NY Democratic Primary Issue explores the differing views of Bowman and his challenger George Latimer on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Other episodes, such as Debate Drug Tests, New Docs Evidence, New York Primary and Politics Roundup: Hunter Biden Trial, Congressional Races, provide broader overviews of key congressional primary races and their potential impact on the upcoming 2024 elections.

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