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Topic: Conscious consumerism

Conscious consumerism is the practice of making informed and ethically-driven purchasing decisions that consider the environmental, social, and health impacts of the products we consume.

More on: Conscious consumerism

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of conscious consumerism from various angles, highlighting the importance of being a mindful and informed consumer.

The first episode How To Create A Non-Toxic Lifestyle To Improve Your Life Ft. Emilie Toups, Founder Toups & Co. emphasizes the need to research product ingredients, avoid toxic items, and make conscious choices to improve one's health and well-being.

The second episode Impulse shopping and retail therapy ft. Al from Two Broke Chicks discusses the psychological and financial aspects of conscious consumerism, encouraging listeners to be intentional about their purchases and prioritize experiences over possessions.

The third episode #1566 Wrestling with Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism delves into the complexities of ethical consumption, examining different philosophical perspectives on navigating consumption choices in an imperfect system while working towards collective change.

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