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Topic: Conscious spending

Conscious spending involves being intentional and mindful about how you allocate your financial resources to align with your true priorities and values.

More on: Conscious spending

The concept of 'conscious spending' is central to the podcast episodes provided, which revolve around Ramit Sethi's philosophy of carefully managing expenses.

Across multiple episodes, Ramit guides couples through analyzing their spending patterns and identifying opportunities to cut costs on non-essentials while allocating more towards their priorities. This is exemplified in episodes such as 163. "I work & watch my infant FT b/c we can't afford childcare", 161. "He hid $77k in CC debt from me-but can't tell me what he bought", and 141. "We only have $2k in savings but she can't stop going to the mall".

By approaching money management with intention and purpose, the couples are able to gain control of their finances and work towards creating their 'rich life', which is a core theme throughout the podcast.

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