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Topic: Consciousness and Perception

Consciousness and perception are fundamental aspects of human experience, involving the complex interplay between the brain, the mind, and the external world.

More on: Consciousness and Perception

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of consciousness and perception, delving into the ways in which altered states of consciousness, such as those induced by psychedelic drugs or paranormal experiences, can challenge our understanding of reality.

In The Beast Of Bray Road, the episode discusses the owner of a farm in Wisconsin who has encountered unexplained phenomena, including missing time and potential portals to other dimensions, which raise questions about the nature of consciousness and perception.

Similarly, No Mercy / No Malice: Prof K and Ayahuasca: WTF is up with DMT? explore how the use of ketamine and DMT, respectively, can alter an individual's perception of reality and consciousness, leading to insights and personal growth.

These episodes demonstrate the complex and multifaceted relationship between consciousness, perception, and our understanding of the world around us.

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