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Topic: Conservative media

Conservative media refers to the ecosystem of news outlets, talk shows, and online platforms that promote right-leaning political ideologies and perspectives.

More on: Conservative media

The podcast episodes demonstrate how conservative media outlets and personalities have played a significant role in amplifying political narratives, promoting conservative ideologies, and engaging in the ongoing culture wars.

Several episodes highlight the relationships between conservative media figures and the Republican Party, as well as the impact of outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on the dissemination of information and the mobilization of conservative voters. Examples include episodes discussing Rupert Murdoch's exit from News Corp, the changing influence of Fox News, and the legacy of Rush Limbaugh.

The episodes also explore how conservative media has embraced controversial figures and tactics, such as Alex Stein's viral stunts, the promotion of conspiracy theories, and the amplification of right-wing narratives around protests and violence.

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