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Topic: Consumer education and awareness

Consumer education and awareness is crucial for empowering individuals to make informed choices about the products they consume and their impact on the environment and personal health.

More on: Consumer education and awareness

The topic of consumer education and awareness is a central theme in the podcast episodes provided, as the guests emphasize the need for consumers to be better informed about the true sources and practices behind the food and energy they consume.

In the episode "The Truth About Meat & Animal Protein In Our Diets Ft. Robby Sansom & Taylor Collins", the guests discuss the importance of educating consumers about the benefits of regeneratively sourced meat and the harmful impacts of industrial agriculture, encouraging listeners to make more conscious and sustainable food choices.

Similarly, the episode [Episode #67] - Transition's Disruptors Part 2 highlights the crucial role of consumer engagement and awareness in driving the energy transition, as changes in consumer preferences and behaviors can have a significant impact on energy efficiency and the evolution of energy markets and business models.

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