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Topic: Consumer experiences

Innovative digital experiences are reshaping how consumers interact with products, services, and brands across industries.

More on: Consumer experiences

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of consumer experiences, from the disconnect between tech companies and user needs to the integration of physical and digital worlds and its impact on consumer experiences.

For example, the episode 'Where Did Tech's Magic Go? Featuring Alex Cranz and Michael Fisher' critiques the tech industry's focus on profits over addressing actual user problems, while the episode 'Let's Get Digi-Physical: From 'Tap' Chips to Taylor Swift' explores the potential new consumer experiences enabled by the integration of physical and digital worlds.

The episodes also touch on how industries, such as the ski resort industry and the credit card industry, are adapting their strategies to cater to consumer preferences and maintain economic viability, as seen in the episodes 'How ski resorts are (economically) adjusting to climate change' and 'Why Capital One wants Discover'.

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