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Topic: Consumer privacy

Consumer privacy refers to the rights and protections individuals have regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information by businesses and organizations.

More on: Consumer privacy

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of consumer privacy, highlighting concerns around the collection and use of personal data by corporations, particularly in the context of emerging technologies and data-driven practices.

For example, the episode 'Is Your Phone Tracking Your Driving?' explores how automakers and apps are collecting and sharing driving data with insurance companies, often without clear consent or transparency. Similarly, the episode 'Amazon Wants Your Handprint' examines the privacy implications of Amazon's palm scanning payment system and the balance between technological convenience and personal data security.

Other episodes, such as '6/11/24: Carville Says Biden Shouldn't Have Run, Lindsey Graham Drools Over Ukraine Minerals, US Drivers Secretly Monitored' and 'The FCC tackles net neutrality, Google commits to voiding billions of data records and Jon Stewart spills about working with Apple', highlight broader concerns around the use of AI and data for exploitative pricing practices, as well as the role of regulators in addressing consumer privacy issues.

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