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Topic: Control

Control refers to the ability to guide, direct, or influence one's circumstances, thoughts, and actions, with implications for individual freedom, self-determination, and coping with life's challenges.

More on: Control

The topic of 'control' is explored extensively across the podcast episodes, as the hosts delve into the nuances of control in various aspects of life.

In the episode 'S20 E5: Evil to Her Core', the host examines Jess's desire for control over Lauren and her relationships, and the consequences of such controlling behavior. Similarly, the episode 'How To Be Free | Epictetus' emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between what is and is not within one's control, a key tenet of Stoic philosophy.

The concept of control is further explored in the episode '323. You Don't have to Beg, Force, or Chase to get what you Deserve', where the host discusses the importance of focusing on what you can control (yourself) rather than attempting to control external circumstances. This theme of internal vs. external locus of control is a recurring motif across the podcast episodes.

The balance between maintaining control as an anxiety management tool and avoiding letting the need for control take over one's life is also explored in the episode 'The Season 3 - Q & A episode' of the 'Spiraling with Katie Dalebout and Serena Wolf' podcast.

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