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Topic: Conversation skills

Conversation skills involve the ability to effectively communicate, connect, and build meaningful relationships through thoughtful questioning, active listening, and emotional awareness.

More on: Conversation skills

The podcast episodes provided focus on the topic of conversation skills, providing insights and practical tips for improving one's ability to have better, more impactful conversations.

For example, episode 207. How to have better conversations from the podcast 'The Psychology of your 20s' discusses five key tips for improving conversational skills, such as asking thoughtful questions, avoiding story-topping, and projecting confidence.

Similarly, episode The Art of Asking Questions for Deeper Connection | Topaz Adizes from 'The Daily Stoic' podcast explores the art of asking questions that foster deeper connections, presence, and genuine understanding in personal and professional relationships.

The episodes also touch on related themes like emotional intelligence, body language, and the psychology behind effective communication.

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