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Topic: Copyright infringement

Copyright infringement refers to the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder.

More on: Copyright infringement

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of copyright infringement, including its impact on the music industry, the legal battles surrounding the use of copyrighted material in AI systems, and the risks and consequences of copyright violations for businesses and influencers.

For example, episode Wikileaks Saga Ends, Music Giants Sue, and Earth's Best-Kept Secrets covers the legal battle between major record labels and AI music startups over alleged copyright infringement in using the labels' music catalogs to train AI systems. Episode Avoiding Legal Pitfalls in Marketing - Robert Freund | ATC #514 discusses the risks and consequences of copyright infringement, particularly in the context of using content or images created by others without proper permissions or licenses.

The episodes highlight the importance of understanding and respecting intellectual property rights in the digital age, as the use of copyrighted material without authorization can lead to legal consequences for businesses and individuals.

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