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Topic: Corporate Messaging

Corporate messaging refers to the strategic communication tactics used by companies to shape public perception and narratives around their actions, behaviors, and impacts.

More on: Corporate Messaging

The podcast episodes provided illustrate how corporations can use messaging and public relations tactics to downplay or distort the severity of issues they are involved in, often in an attempt to maintain their public image and avoid accountability.

For example, in the Ripple episode, it examines how BP and government agencies pushed an overly optimistic narrative about the resolution of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, even as fishermen on the ground were documenting ongoing impacts that contradicted the official claims.

Similarly, the Consider This from NPR episode discusses how major food companies have co-opted the anti-diet movement by recruiting influencers to promote their sugary and processed products, potentially undermining the original message of body positivity and health.

These examples showcase how corporations can strategically use messaging, PR, and social media influence to shape public discourse and avoid responsibility for their actions.

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