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Topic: Corporate Misconduct

Corporate Misconduct refers to the unethical, illegal, or negligent actions taken by corporations that harm the public, workers, or the environment for profit or competitive advantage.

More on: Corporate Misconduct

The podcast episodes cover various examples of corporate misconduct, including 3M's concealment of harmful 'forever chemicals' Podcast: The Daily Show: Ears Edition, Episode: 3M's Forever Chemicals and a Therapist's Take on Election Cycle Anxiety, Boeing's safety issues with the 737 Max Podcast: What A Day, Episode: Progressives and Centrists Spar In Major NY Democratic Primary, and Syngenta's efforts to keep the pesticide paraquat on the market despite links to Parkinson's disease Podcast: The Take, Episode: Paraquat is linked to Parkinson's. Why hasn't the US banned it?.

These episodes highlight how corporations sometimes prioritize financial interests over public good, engage in unethical practices to cover up wrongdoing, and leverage their power and resources to avoid accountability. The podcasts also examine the broader systemic drivers, such as a business culture that incentivizes profit maximization over ethical considerations.

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