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Topic: Corporate power

The growing concentration of power and influence among major corporations, and how this shapes policies, markets, and society.

More on: Corporate power

The podcast episodes examined demonstrate the various ways in which corporations have amassed significant power and influence in the United States, and how this power is used to shape policies, regulations, and public discourse in ways that benefit corporate interests over those of workers, consumers, and the environment.

Several episodes highlight the role of lobbying, political donations, and regulatory capture in enabling corporations to exert disproportionate influence over the political process Lobbying Money in Politics. Other episodes explore how the concentration of market power in the hands of a few dominant firms Monopolies Corporate monopolies can undermine competition, stifle innovation, and harm consumers.

The episodes also delve into the broader societal implications of corporate power, such as the weakening of democratic institutions Democracy, the exacerbation of economic inequality Economic Inequality, and the degradation of the environment Environmental impacts.

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