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Topic: COVID-19

COVID-19 is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has had a significant global impact since its emergence in 2019.

More on: COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a central focus across many of the podcast episodes, with discussions covering a wide range of topics related to the virus, its impacts, and the response efforts.

Several episodes, such as Avoid These Daily Risk Factors To Prevent Brain Inflammation! | Datis Kharazian (Replay) and Dr. Michael Nehls, explore the potential neurological and immunological effects of COVID-19, as well as concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and treatments.

Other episodes, like 61. Unlocking Your Body's Potential with WHOOP CEO Will Ahmed, highlight how wearable technologies have been leveraged to track and study the pandemic, while U.S. Cancer Rates Are Rising, and Striking Younger People touches on the broader health impacts of COVID-19.

The political and social dimensions of the pandemic response are also covered, with episodes such as Michael Shellenberger Is EXPOSING Censorship Against Americans and Twins Pod - Episode 4 - Mike Benz discussing concerns around censorship and government overreach.

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