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Topic: Covid-19 pandemic impact

The COVID-19 pandemic had significant impacts across various sectors, including the economy, education, and mental health.

More on: Covid-19 pandemic impact

The COVID-19 pandemic is a recurring theme throughout the podcast episodes, with discussions on how it affected diverse areas such as politics, the economy, mental health, education, and the workplace.

Several episodes explore how the pandemic was a catalyst for changes in the delivery and technology industries, as well as its impact on the airline and aerospace sectors Can Boeing Pull Out of This Tailspin?, Reshaping Communication: Vast's Response to a Digital Revolution, and Measles: Historical Highlights.

The pandemic's effect on the mental health and emotional well-being of young adults is a central topic in Feeling behind in your 20s and US suicides: Why are so many young people dying?.

Additionally, the episodes discuss how the pandemic influenced the political landscape, work culture, and consumer behavior, The New Yorker's Political Writers Answer Your Election Questions, The Battery Boom Continues, and The Great Resignation: Addressing a Broken Workplace with Journalist Joanne Lipman.

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