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Topic: Creative pursuits and artistic expression

Creative pursuits and artistic expression involve the exploration and realization of one's passions and talents through various mediums, often providing a means of self-discovery, fulfillment, and connection with audiences.

More on: Creative pursuits and artistic expression

The podcast episodes provided touch on the themes of creative pursuits and artistic expression, particularly in the context of Ira Glass's work in radio and Kevin Bacon's exploration of acting, songwriting, and other creative outlets.

In the episode 'Say More - Ira Glass on Is This It?', Ira Glass discusses his feelings of restlessness and questioning whether to continue with his long-running radio show, 'This American Life', highlighting the broader themes of change, novelty, and finding meaning in one's creative work.

Similarly, in the episode 'Kevin Bacon', Kevin Bacon opens up about his childhood desires for fame, his introduction to acting, and the various creative outlets he has pursued throughout his career, including songwriting and acting.

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