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Topic: Creator partnerships

Creator partnerships involve successful creators collaborating with brands and companies to leverage their influence and create mutually beneficial relationships.

More on: Creator partnerships

The podcast episodes provided focus on the partnership between the tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) and the company Ridge, highlighting the dynamics and benefits of such creator-brand collaborations.

In episode 44337, the episode discusses the responsibility and impact that comes with being an influential reviewer, even when reviewing products from companies the creator is associated with. This touches on the need to maintain honesty and accuracy in reviews to preserve audience trust and perceptions of objectivity.

Meanwhile, episode 44361 delves deeper into the Ridge-MKBHD partnership, explaining the structure of the deal, Marques's role as a creative partner, investor, and board member, and how Ridge aims to leverage his expertise and reach to drive product development and business growth.

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