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Topic: Cringe

Cringe refers to the feeling of embarrassment, awkwardness, or discomfort experienced when observing someone or something that deviates from social norms or expectations.

More on: Cringe

The podcast episodes explore the concept of 'cringe' and its evolution in online culture.

The first episode, 'The Death of Cringe (LOL Cows are Boomer)', discusses the decline of cringe culture and lolcows, attributing it to increased politicization and mental health awareness. The hosts argue that to be truly 'based,' one must embrace their own weirdness.

The second episode, 'cringe, a talk with emma', features Emma Chamberlain exploring the distinction between negative cringe, rooted in insecurity, and positive cringe, stemming from genuine self-expression. She suggests that embracing one's authentic self is ultimately less cringe than trying too hard to avoid it.

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